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How to overcome the Language Barrier while traveling?

How to overcome the Language Barrier while traveling?

Unless you do not plan your vacation in your country’s territory, sooner or later you will definitely face this problem.

Despite the fact that English is one of the most popular languages ​​these days, there are still many countries/places where its knowledge will not help you, at all. Example? Latin America 😉
 Not speaking another language stops almost five MILLION adults from going abroad (!), you don’t want to be in this group, do you?

What to do then?

Chill out! There is always a solution to every problem!

Nowadays it is very easy to deal with this inconvenience.  You have several solutions:

1. buying a dictionary with everyday conversations
2. learning basic words/ phrases
3. getting in touch with your compatriots who are there
4. installing a translation app

From the beginning, I can tell you that the first 3 options may not solve your problem for 2 simple reasons:

What is the point to learn the basic phrases/ words or even buying a dictionary, if you will not be able to understand an answer? 😉

You can not be 100% sure that your compatriots will have a time or willingness to assist you. Moreover, making your holidays dependent on the goodwill of your friends, or newly-met people is definitely not a good idea...

That’s why the best option is number 4, and I really recommend it to you in this article.

By installing a translation app you will be more independent, and moreover, you will be able to communicate fast and smoothly in a foreign language.

To make your life easier, I have prepared for you a list with top-rated apps with a short description. If you decide to download any of them, just click on the link (underlined text with the name of an app).


Not everyone knows but one of the most convenient functions of this app is to translate a text directly from images. It means that you can take a photo directly in the app or import a photo you made earlier. After selecting the text you are interested in, you will get a translation.
In addition, you can translate spoken words and phrases. So the whole conversion process will be “live”. Also, you can use Google Translate in offline mode by downloading language files.


It has exactly the same functions as Google Translate.
Additionally, by clicking on the icon of the book in the bottom right corner of the screen of the application, you get access to a useful list with words divided into different categories like:
basic, travel and tips, accommodation, meals, time, date, numbers, health, etc.

Thanks to this you will not have to enter the word manually because you can simply select it from the list. In the settings of the Microsoft Translator application, you will also find a somewhat surprising function: translation of vulgar words and phrases. This feature can be useful for checking if the person you are talking to is not offending you 😉

Remember to do not trust blindly the translations of the app, although they are supported by artificial intelligence, they have many problems with translating idioms, and some phrases.


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